Reformed Church Box Hill

Scripture Alone

Faith Alone

Grace Alone

Christ Alone

Glory to God Alone

Purpose Statement

In response to God’s call, it is the purpose of the Reformed Church of Box Hill to be a community of believers committed to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaiming in word and deed the Word of God by worship, fellowship and care, diaconal service, evangelism and outreach.

We hold the Bible as the Word of God and therefore the only authority for all of faith and life, and that God must receive all glory.

The Reformed Church of Box Hill exists to:

Unite the people of God in joyful worship (by song, prayer and by reading and preaching the Word of God) to declare and celebrate their joy, gratitude and wonder at being freely redeemed from eternal death to eternal life, through the birth, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. By that Divine, sovereign work of grace, we who are by nature and practice sinful and rebellious are made children of God the Father.

Proclaim the free offer of salvation in Christ to all who are searching for solutions to life's perplexing problems. Our greatest problem is the problem of sin – that we have disobeyed God’s righteous commands, and we have neither the desire nor the spiritual strength to consistently do what He requires of us. All who by faith confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will be assisted, encouraged and strengthened in their growth in grace by instruction from the pulpit, Bible studies, catechism classes, youth groups, and fellowship with other Christians. We shall at all times endeavour to care for the needy in our midst, in the community of Box Hill, and in the world, by acts of mercy.

Lead one another to lives of godliness and service. We shall glorify the Lord God of heaven and earth by dedicating our whole lives and all our resources to implement the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20, so that His church may grow in grace and unbelievers may be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through life-style evangelism, that gives ready testimony to the salvation received in Christ.

For this purpose to be executed, we recognise God has called elders and deacons into leadership in the Church, to equip and direct it to fulfil its calling so that the church may advance and His Kingdom rule be established.